
How to Choose a Business Partner Who Won’t [Bleep] You

How to Choose a Business Partner Who Won’t [Bleep] You

By Nina Kaufman, Esq.

In my decades of practicing law and working with entrepreneurs, I can say there is at least one bright spot in the world of business partnerships. Let me say, too, that I believe the coming years will herald an increase in the number of business owners who collaborate and work together to find ways to “partner” with other companies to expand their reach and generate income. Now, I haven’t done a formal survey or hired a company to run focus groups, but based on what I’ve seen from working with business owners over the years … here’s my grand epiphany: Nine times out of 10 (maybe even more) people do not go into business together with the intent of swindling each other. So why is that good news? Because many entrepreneurs shy away from opportunities to expand their business and their customer base for fear of getting “screwed.” In my experience, business partnerships generally don’t break up because someone had his or her hand in the till. They break up because, over time, the personal…

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Confidentiality Agreements: After-the-fact is way too late

Can you force someone to sign a confidentiality agreement after you’ve disclosed sensitive information? Or after they’ve already done the work for you? No. To use an old farm expression, that’s like “closing the barn…

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Choosing the Right Nework Marketing Business Partner-Part 6

Often, when a situation is just too fraught with complications and struggle from the outset, it’s just not meant to be.  But did I listen?  No.  Not at first, anyway. For the icing on the…

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Two’s Company, Three’s A . . .

Like the animals in Noah’s Ark, bicameral legislatures (lit. “two chambers”) come in twos. We have Congress, made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate for federal issues. The UK has Parliament, made…

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Nina Kaufman

Flying solo doesn’t have to mean going it alone.

I’m Nina Kaufman.

I know first-hand that running a knowledge-based service business has unique challenges. It’s so much easier when you have an advocate in your corner. Over the past 25 years, I’ve worked with thousands of New York business professionals who want a legal advisor to guide and support them as they navigate the business world.

With wide-ranging experience as a business attorney, strategist, and media authority, I bring the added power of a business lens to the legal issues my clients are facing.

And because I’ve been a business owner myself, I’ve lived through the soaring highs and devastating lows – like when my first law firm failed. So I understand what’s involved to serve great clients, detect business risks early and build a true legacy.

I can’t get those 12 years back. That’s why I have made it my mission to ensure that business professionals like you can become wise and discerning leaders, build a solid business, and live your best life.