Category Archives: Family & Friends

How an entrepreneur’s prenup avoids messy small business divorce

People often view a marital prenup like having a bucket of ice-cold water dumped on your head. Small business owners…

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All You Need Is Love . . . ?

From the other side of the globe, I came across an interesting post on “Mixing Business with Friendship,” which adds…

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Help! I Need Somebody . . . Not Just Anybody

Well if this just isn’t the week for Beatles songs!  Justin Knowacki has a post on getting by (or not)…

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A Succession Plan Blueprint for Family Businesses

I recently spoke at a seminar on the subject of buying and selling a business.  One of the most common…

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Basic Training: Could An Agreement Save This Family Business?

Q: I have worked for my dad for more than a decade. He recently told me he wants to stop working…

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Nina Kaufman Dishes on Fox News About Borrowing Money from Parents For Your Biz

As a business owner looking to grow, there may have been times when you’ve been strapped for the cash you…

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Should You Ever Invest in a Friend’s Business?

“Neither a borrower nor a lender be,” said Shakespeare (see context below) … but what about being an investor? If you’re…

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Raising Capital from Family and Friends

They say that “fools rush in where angels fear to tread,” and the same applies to raising capital for your…

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When Friends and Family Finance Your Business

Don’t get sloppy: Handle transactions properly to preserve your personal ties. You’re ready to launch your new business. Your credit…

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Paying Back Private Investors

Any time you accept money from someone else to help your business grow, you should put that relationship in writing.…

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