
What to Look for in a Business Partner

What to Look for in a Business Partner

By Nina Kaufman, Esq.

From the Department of Naches (Yiddish for “joy”) and Brag, I was interviewed by Forbes.com on one of my favorite subjects: business partners. How to choose them, what to look for and what to put in your business partnership agreement (or shareholders’ agreement or operating agreement–whatever the form of your business). One of the tidbits I’m really glad made it into the article, “What to Look for in a Business Partner,” was the one stressing the importance of checking your partner’s credit history. It sounds “not nice” to ask such prying questions, doesn’t it? Here’s an ugly way the partnership can play out (I’ve seen it happen) if you don’t: Your company needs a bank loan. The bank checks the credit history of all owners (count on it). It refuses the loan because of your partner’s shaky credit history. You seek outside financing elsewhere. You can get it (e.g., credit lines) but your partner can’t (because of said credit history). To do so, you 1. mortgage the house or 2. provide a personal guaranty for…

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3 Ways to Raise Fees without Losing Clients

I’ve worked with many business professionals who really wanted to raise their fees. But they were concerned about losing clients, or having their pipeline dry up as a result. No question, there are lots of…

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Jerked Around by a Business Partner

From the “No good deed goes unpunished” department: Q: I deposited more than $20,000 into my business partner’s account under the impression that he would add my name to the new company and to the…

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Don’t Be Afraid to Pivot. Change Is A Constant.

For many of us, our world has been turned upside down. I’ve talked to lots of solo and small firm owners who really wish things could get “back to normal.” But that normal is gone.…

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Nina Kaufman

Flying solo doesn’t have to mean going it alone.

I’m Nina Kaufman.

I know first-hand that running a knowledge-based service business has unique challenges. It’s so much easier when you have an advocate in your corner. Over the past 25 years, I’ve worked with thousands of New York business professionals who want a legal advisor to guide and support them as they navigate the business world.

With wide-ranging experience as a business attorney, strategist, and media authority, I bring the added power of a business lens to the legal issues my clients are facing.

And because I’ve been a business owner myself, I’ve lived through the soaring highs and devastating lows – like when my first law firm failed. So I understand what’s involved to serve great clients, detect business risks early and build a true legacy.

I can’t get those 12 years back. That’s why I have made it my mission to ensure that business professionals like you can become wise and discerning leaders, build a solid business, and live your best life.