Category Archives: I Wonder …

How would you handle The Honey Cake Fiasco?

Last week, my rabbi, Frank Tamburello, shared his recipe for honey cake: Put a bunch of ingredients into a bowl.…

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Some industry greats talk about pushing through breakdowns… Tell us your story Breakthrough story at: You deserve to be paid, protected, and prosperous. Kaufman Business Law…

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A Little Levity

I’ve seen this joke in many guises.  There’s the information technology specialist and the businessman; the politician and the scientist.  Here’s…

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Basic Training: About Presidents

In light of this week’s national “activities,” here’s a question about presidents–of corporations, that is. Q.: Can you change the…

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A Lesson about Labor Day

The first Monday in September wasn’t always considered an official rest from work. According to the Department of Labor’s website,…

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Finding Independence in Union

When the American Colonies declared their independence from the British crown on July 4, 1776, they also came together as…

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The Declaration of Independence

The significance of the July Fourth holiday tends to get lost amid travel plans, a short work week and the…

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A Crash Course in Confidence

As a child, I was painfully shy. And old habits die hard. Fast forward 25 years — I’m not long…

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Lawyer Jokes: Did You Hear the One About the Hot-Air Balloon . . . ?

A little legal levity for a Friday afternoon. Enjoy! * * * * Advice from lawyers George and Lenny decide…

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Happy (Belated) Law Day!

Did you know that yesterday was Law Day? I suppose that for many of you, the day passed with nary…

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