Confidentiality . . . and Holding Too Tight
By Nina Kaufman, Esq.
When is the right time to protect an idea? “About 10 minutes before someobody else tries to use it,” quipped an intellectual property attorney I know.
Budding entrepreneurs can become fixated on protecting their Next Great Idea. But, as Whitney Keyes points out in her post, “Avoiding Privacy Paralysis,” there’s a fine line to be drawn. Sometimes people are so worried about protecting their work from theft that they share it with very few and, as a result, it never gets seen/used/purchased. So you’re left with your pristine idea/product/work intact, but with nothing else to show for it.
An internet marketing mentor of mine takes the position that he would rather have his work shared by others than guard everything like a hawk and earn no money from it. [By the way, this guy “mints” money–I’ve seen his bank statements]. He finds other ways to have the money flow back to him–such as through affiliate links, etc.
Have questions about working with Kaufman Business Law? This is the video to watch.