Downloading Contracts from the Internet

By Nina Kaufman, Esq.

“Can I? Can I?” I hear you asking. Well, you’re asking the wrong question. The issue is not whether you can download your client contracts from the internet, it’s whether you should.  And once you do (because you know you’re going to do it, right?), how can you get the best use out of doing so?

Downloading agreements from the internet is good for starting to educate yourself about the kinds of terms you might want to include in agreements with your clients. But here are two significant things the online agreements (even the ones you pay for) can’t tell you:

  • They can’t tell you whether there are any provisions in the contract that could hurt you.
  • They can’t tell you whether there are any provisions that are missing that could help you.

Poke around the internet all you like; but in the end, only you can decide which business terms are best for you. What specific products or services will you provide to your clients? Within what time frame do you want to be paid? What happens if you’re not paid in a timely manner?

And once you’ve made those decisions, have your attorney wrap them up in a nice, neat legal bow to protect you properly.

You deserve to be paid, protected, and prosperous. Kaufman Business Law can help get you there. Watch this short video to find out how.