Stop Selling; Start Partnering

By Nina Kaufman, Esq.

Never mind the book (although I’m sure it’s great) — here’s a delightful and intelligent book review of Larry Wilson’s Stop Selling – Start Partnering by Jim Hassett.

Although Jim’s professional focus is on law firm marketing, he raises pertinent questions that apply to any company seeking to provide greater value to clients, and who want to be considered a “trusted advisor,” not just a mere “vendor.”  He writes, “Lawyers who want to become partners and provide value-added service to clients, must ask this question (p. 188) every single day: ‘What unexpected value can I add today for the [client]?'”

If, as he notes, partners expect solutions, trust and value-added service, what can you do to make sure your business provides that level of care?

Read Wilson’s book to find out!

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