Tag Archives: choosing business partners

If You Had Only One Question . . . ?

From Daneen Skube, Ph.D., in the Seattle Times came this question-and-answer about business partnership: <<Q. I’m thinking of going into business…

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Pre-Partnership Rule of Thumb

From Ben Canosha’s blog, a good suggestion before starting a business with others: Before going into a partnership with someone,…

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Choosing the Right Network Marketing Business Partner-Epilogue

Such a saga!  Here’s how it ended: Grace finally confided that had changed her mind and she didn’t want to…

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Choosing the Right Nework Marketing Business Partner-Part 6

Often, when a situation is just too fraught with complications and struggle from the outset, it’s just not meant to…

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Choosing the Right Partner for Your Network Marketing Business-Part 5

Oh yes, there’s more.  So it’s not enough that I didn’t know the business, that I was fronting the money,…

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Choosing the Right Network Marketing Business Partner-Part 4

What kind of a schmuck agrees to  front the money and only take 50% (me, obviously). And another lesson from…

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Choosing the Right Network Marketing Business Partner-Part 3

I learned the hard way (see Part 2) that looking for easy money rarely brings it.  Yet another class in the…

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Choosing the Right Network Marketing Business Partner-Part 2

As I mentioned in Part 1 of “Choosing the Right Network Marketing Partner,” my first mistake was entering into a business…

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The Right Business Partners for Your Conscious Business

I’ve had a lot of experience with business partners.  Some I’ve chosen more consciously than others.  Like dating in college,…

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Choosing the Right Network Marketing Business Partner–Part I

Sometimes, it takes a couple of bricks to the head to learn a lesson (ergo, the month-long blogging silence).  Here…

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