What Do Women Want? . . . And Can This Strategic Alliance Provide It?

By Nina Kaufman, Esq.

Although my low-maintenance husband would disagree, I’m a relatively simple gal. Yes, I may pile too many obligations on my plate and you need a 3-D scorecard to keep track of all of my meetings and projects. But when it comes to technology, I’m a late adopter. Give me a book, fresh with the smell of milled paper and glue, and I’m a happy camper.

But go figure – here’s an alliance with bling: Philips, the Dutch electronics giant, and Swarovski Crystal. Is it a ruse to help women get on the technology bandwagon, or is technology finally catching up with women’s preferences? It’s hard to say, except that these two companies are clearly willing to invest substantial sums of money in “lifestyle electronics,” that is, functional technology that blends lifestyle and design.

As the International Herald Tribune reported, Swarovski has licensed its name (and crystals) for a variety of electronic gadgets. Imagine a Swarovski-encrusted mouse, headphones with Swarovski crystals, and heart- shaped MP3 players with Swarovski crystals! The alliance with Phillips is the first to embark on an actual product line.

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