What’s the next right thing for your business?

By Nina Kaufman, Esq.

I know how it feels to have the rug pulled out from under you and not know which direction to turn.

My younger brother contracted Hodgkin’s Disease when he was 9, at a time when childhood cancers often meant a death sentence.

(He survived, thank God!).

I graduated from law school in the early 1990s into one of the worst markets for hiring lawyers.

Lived through 9/11 in NYC and its ripple effect on small businesses.

Had my first law firm implode after being in partnership for 12 years.

Endured the financial crisis of 2008.

Rode out major hurricanes and superstorms—with and without names—and the power outages that resulted in 2010, 2011 (Irene), 2012 (Sandy), and 2017.

And now, the “Pandemic Pause.”

So I know the panicked feeling of wanting to stand firm, pretending the world as I know it isn’t crumbling, and re-establish a solid foundation right away … but find I’m building – whatever the new thing is– on shifting sands.

Over the years, I learned a couple of important lessons, based on spiritual principles.

  1. When you feel overwhelmed, take things one day at a time
  2. Just do the next right thing

So that’s why I’m using this slower business time to remind myself not to panic.

Because things are changing every day. If projected out to the end of the year based on what I’m seeing today, I could collapse into a ball on the floor. But every day brings promise and opportunity that I can’t always foresee. All I can do is the best I can do today.

And that’s why Step 2 is to …

… just do the next right thing.

What IS the next right thing?

For me, it’s

  • Cleaning up my contact list to stay in closer touch with clients and collaborative colleagues
  • Taking a look at my business model to see how I can better serve my clients’ needs during the Pandemic Pause and beyond

Doing a little bit each day to move forward.

See a pattern?

They’re the kinds of things that get swept under the rug when times are flush and the phone rings constantly with new prospects.

What’s the next right thing for you?

Choose something small. Something that gives you a “win” each day and keeps you encouraged and empowered.

Maybe it’s a daily yoga practice.

Maybe it’s researching a new business focus.

Whatever it is, these are unprecedented times. We’re all a little scared about what’s going on in our world. All it takes is a simple step forward to feel a glimmer of hope.

Like one Challenge client told me, when I know what the next step is, I can move out of the part of my psyche where fear resides.

Let me know if you’d like some support getting into a better groove.

Be well. Be careful. Be strong. Be hopeful.

You deserve to be paid, protected, and prosperous. Kaufman Business Law can help get you there. Watch this short video to find out how.