Category Archives: Bad Clients

The Customer Is Never Wrong — But Is It the Wrong Customer?

“Can I talk to you personally?” asked Linda. She seemed a little hesitant, so after we ran into each other…

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One thing the VP Debates teach us about serving clients

Regardless of which candidate you think did a better job, which one’s policies you think make more sense, or which…

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How can you spot “PITA Problems” before they start?

In the last few videos, I’ve been talking about how to handle difficult clients. Tacking on an “aggravation surcharge” when…

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How Can You Charge a PITA Tax?

A PITA Tax is an aggravation surcharge. It’s an extra charge you add to your fees if a client demands…

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Are You Charging a PITA Tax?

Do you find your patience wearing thin with certain clients? You try to be understanding—particularly in the time of COVID.…

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Do not stay where you are not valued …

An allegory for entrepreneurs: >> A father said to his daughter: You graduated with honors, here is a car that…

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The Devil Is in the Details

I hear a lot of complaints from business owners about not getting paid . . . cash flow is an…

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The Snags in Doing Business with Friends

It’s so easy to get sucked into an awkward spot when doing business with friends. It can start out as…

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Have Your Collections Policy Ready

If you don’t want to get stiffed, know ahead of time how you plan to collect on overdue receivables. In any…

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Writing Off Business Bad Debt

It’s been said that “every silver lining has a cloud,” and that certainly applies to having business bad debt. In…

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