Category Archives: Clients

How to collect money from a customer who didn’t pay her bill?

Q.:  I own a small hair salon. A customer recently received services, then said she forgot her wallet and would…

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How Do You Handle Customer Service?

They say that the key to happy clients is to under promise and overdeliver.  But I just returned from an…

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Working Wiggle Room into Your Deadlines

Don’t ask me where the time has flown! My computer crashed on Friday the 7th, so my trusty tech support,…

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How Entrepreneurs Should Write a Business Contract

I don’t advocate that entrepreneurs treat their legal work as a DIY project. And neither does California attorney Nina Yablok.…

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3 Online Business Mistakes to Avoid

Despite the popular myth, cyberspace isn’t the Wild West. Know the rules and protect yourself. You have a brilliant idea…

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Extending Credit to Customers

More naches and brag–this time on the issue of extending credit to customers. See Melanie Lindner’s piece in on…

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Customer Service 101: How to Keep Your Clients Happy, Part 5

Customer Service 101 for Lawyers involves more than just doing legal work.  It includes: Choosing clients who are the right…

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Customer Service 101: How to Keep Your Clients Happy, Part 4

We noted in the previous post why communication plays a vital role in keeping customers happy. But if communications requires…

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10 Boneheaded Reasons to Get Sued for Breach of Contract

You provide your services 7 weeks late without explanation You don’t have the expertise to do what the client wants…

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Customer Service 101: How to Keep Your Clients Happy, Part 3

We noted in the previous post on competency why you need to resist the temptation to be all things to…

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